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Glossary: Product-specific definitions
Glossary: Product-specific definitions

Below is a list of terms which are commonly used on the Cozero Platform

Updated over 4 months ago


Action area

A thematic field indicating the broader area in which a Climate Action can be taken. Action Areas cluster Climate Actions on an aggregated level and serve Cozero users as filters to browse the Marketplace. Examples: Renewable & alternative energy, Energy efficient buildings, Waste Management.

Activity data source

The activity data source highlights the type of data and where it comes from. Within the category “Production goods and materials”, you could select a subcategory of plastic and then the activity data to choose from will be the various different types of plastics.


Baseline year

The baseline year is relevant when creating carbon targets. It is the year selected by the user to which all GHG reductions will be tracked against.

Business unit

A business unit is a division within an organization. In Cozero you can define business units, as well as child business units and associate them to locations. This allows for greater flexibility and depth in your analysis and reporting of carbon emissions.


Climate action

A measure which Cozero users can take to decarbonize. Cozero leverages the information provided by users, especially in Cozero Log, to help companies estimate the impact of the proposed Climate Action on the company’s emissions. The goal of Climate Actions is to provide users an actionable and measurable decarbonization strategy.


Emission intensity scenario

In the Cozero Act context, the emission intensity scenario (or climate scenario) describes different potential outcomes of emissions. This depends on the effort the world takes in decarbonising. The mediocre movement scenario assumes that the world takes a pathway to limit global warming to 2°C, slow transition assumes it will not meet the target to limit global warming to 2°C, and fast global turnaround optimistically assumes it will limit to well below 2°C.



FTE stands for full-time equivalent and it's a unit to measure employed persons in an organization in order to make them comparable.


Forecast is a feature of the Act section. Forecast provides a vizualisation of a predicted carbon emission pathway based on your organization's industry, revenue, and the possible emission intensity scenarios the world might incur. This will help you set reasonable targets and assess the gap between your potential future emissions and your target.



GVA stands for gross value added and it measures the contribution made to an economy by one individual company (industry, sector or region). It is defined as the output (at basic prices) minus intermediate consumption (at purchaser prices). This measures the emission intensity for the business per EUR of GVA.

Grid mix

Composition of all energy sources that contribute to the electricity available on the overall power grid, including both renewable and non-renewable sources



HGV stands for Heavy Goods Vehicles, that refers to large trucks or lorries that are designed for transporting substantial loads. The following types are available in Cozero to calculate emissions for:

  • HGV - 0% laden: a HGV that is not carrying any cargo or goods, it is empty or unladen, with no weight from cargo.

  • HGV - 100% laden: refers to a HGV that is carrying a full load, meaning it is loaded to its maximum allowable weight capacity. The vehicle is carrying as much cargo or goods as it is legally and safely allowed to transport.

  • HGV - 50% laden: describes a HGV that is carrying only half of its maximum allowable load capacity. In other words, the vehicle is loaded with cargo or goods that weigh 50% of the vehicle's maximum permitted weight.

  • HGV - Articulated: consists of two separate parts: a tractor unit (front) and a semi-trailer (rear), which are connected by a pivot point.

  • HGV - Articulated (> x-y tonnes): indicating that the articulated HGV falls within specified weight range.

  • HGV - Rigid: single-unit truck with a fixed cargo area that's not separated from the driver's cab

  • HGV - Rigid (> x-y tonnes): indicating that the rigid HGV falls within specified weight range.



KPI stands for key performance indicator, this is a tool to measure the success of your organization. In Cozero, you can set KPIs related to carbon emission intensities.



A log is Cozero’s term for a data entry and subsequently calculated emission for a selected category of your organization.

Log score

The Log score is a measure of the completeness of the data in your logs, namely your emission data. The more logs you upload, the higher your Log score is. For more information on this, please see here.

Log Category

The log category is the emissions’ classification under which a company’s activity belongs to, e.g. Business Travel. Each of these categories is linked to one of the Scopes (1, 2, 3) from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. In this example, Business Travel, falls under Scope 3.

Log Subcategory

The log subcategory provides more details about the Log category. “Flights” is a subcategory of the log category “Business Travel”.



The Marketplace is an area within Cozero Act, where all the solutions (climate actions) for reducing carbon emissions are available. A user can browse through them and select the most appropriate and efficient ones for their decarbonisation journey.


Reference Year

In the Cozero Act context, the reference year is the last year for which your company's footprint is tracked completely (or almost). Your emission forecast will be based on the data of this year.

Residual mix

Factoring out low-carbon or renewable energy sources. In other words, what's left in the grid mix once the contributions of these cleaner sources have been subtracted.



In the Cozero Act context, a supplier is a company, research group, institute or similar with a specific offering that enables Cozero users/companies to implement a defined Climate Action. Every supplier is allocated to at least one Climate Action. On this level users can directly contact a supplier and purchase its offering.



A tag is a free-text label which can be associated with a log entry. It is useful to classify and sort information as per the user’s unique desires.


Target setting is a feature within Cozero Act. Here you can set a carbon target and assess the gap between your potential future emissions and your target.

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